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García Lucero et al. v. Chile

This case concerns the State’s failure to investigate and to make reparation for the various acts of torture suffered by Leopoldo Guillermo García Lucero. Shortly after the military coup by Pinochet on September 11, 1973, Mr. García Lucero was arrested and spent more than a year in concentration camps. While in detention, he was repeatedly tortured and consequently suffered the the loss of most of his teeth, the disfigurement of his face, and damage to his spine. Mr. García Lucero is now permanently disabled. In 1975, Pinochet's regime forcibly expelled Mr. García Lucero to the United Kingdom, forcing him and his wife and three daughters to leave behind all of their relatives, friends, and possessions. His case was submitted to the Court to provide him with a remedy and adequate reparation for these events. The Court found that the State violated the American Convention on Human Rights and the American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture. 

Case Summary: García Lucero et al. v. Chile, Case Summary


Did the State Accept International Responsibility?
Did the State Raise Preliminary Objections?
Case Summary