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Welcome to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Project Journal. As of April 27, 2015, we have published summaries for one hundred and twelve cases decided by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 

Volume 36 Issue 1 of Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review includes three summaries produced by the IACHR Project. These summaries represent the 2011-2012, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014 IACHR Project Teams, as well as the wide array of cases that come before the Inter-American Court. DaCosta Codogan v. Barbados, written by Sarah Frost (2011-2012 Staffer; 2012-2013 Chief Articles Editor), discusses the mandatory death penalty in Barbados. Escue Zapata v. Colombia, authored by Jenna Eyrich (2012-2013 Staffer; 2013-2014 Senior IACHR Editor), covers the arbitrary detention and extra-judicial execution of an indigenous leader in Colombia. Durand and Ugarte v. Peru, written by Justine Schneeweis (2013-2014 Staffer; 2014-2015 Editor) describes a case in which two men were killed and disappeared during a prison riot in Peru.

Volume 36, Issue 4 includes summaries regarding cases from the Caribbean and Central America. Summaries were written during the 2011-2012 academic year by Shauna Bendinelli, Crystal Coveney, Sarah Frost, Grace Kim, Raya Marinova, Sascha Meisel, and Olivia Scharrer, with assistance from editors Jennifer Barrera, Erika Green, Melissa Kurata, and Shamin Rostami, under the supervision of Chief Articles Editor Laura Ybarra, Volume 34 Editor-in-Cheif Adelaide Scardino Lopez, and Professor Cesare Romano.

Volume 36, Issue 5 primarily includes summaries from Central America. These summaries were authored by Amy Choe, Elise Cossart-Daly, Jenna Eyrich, Heather Hassan, Alessa Jonas, Meri Khananashvili, Leona Lam, Monica Rodriguez, Maya Rozov, and Shirinnaz Zekavati, with assistance from editors Grace Kim, and Sascha Meisel, as well as Chief Articles Editor Sarah Frost, and Professor Cesare Romano during the 2012-2013 academic year.

Volume 36, Issue 6 includes summaries from Peru and Suriname. These summaries were written during the 2013-2014 academic year by Brian Gabriel, Hayley Garscia, Sean Lask, Anna McDonald, Griselda Perez, Alyssa Rutherford, Justine Schneeweis, Jennifer Toghian, Lindsey Wrape, and Chelsea Zwart, with assistance from editors Amy Choe, Jenna Eyrich, Heather Hassan, and Monica Rodriguez, under the supervison of Chief IACHR Editor Elise Cossart-Daly and Professor Cesare Romano.

Volume 37, Issue 4 includes summaries from the Caribbean, Central America, and South America, with most summaries discussing cases in Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. These summaries were written during the 2014-2015 academic year by Jonathan Arjonilla, Kathrynn Benson, Maximillian Casillas, Rhandy Cordova, Nazanin Farahdel, Alexandra Gonzalez, Theodore Nguyen, Dale Ogden, Nathaniel Reinhardt, Björn Roos, Zacharias Tripodes, and Karina Villa, with assistance from editors Sean Lask, Griselda Perez, Alyssa Rutherford, Justine Schneeweis, and Jennifer Toghian, under the supervision of Chief IACHR Editor Hayley Garscia and Professor Cesare Romano.

Volume 40, Issue 3 includes summaries from Brazil, Suriname and Venezuela, with most summaries discussing cases in Ecuador and Argentina. These summaries were written during the 2016-2017 academic year by Annette Avedissian, Karen Cody, Matthew Follett, Claudia Garcia-Salas, Erin Gonzalez, Michelle Gonzalez, Durdana Karim, John Kelly, Shushan Khorozyan, Edgar Navarrete, Anne-Marie Rouche, Emma Samyan, and Zacharias Tripodes, with assistance from editors Lorraine Hall, Diane Chang, Emily Williams, and Milja Miric, under the supervision of Chief IACHR Editor Megan Venanzi and Professor Cesare Romano. 

Volume 41, Issue 4 includes summaries from the Caribbean, Central America, and South America, with most summaries discussing cases in Peru, Guatemala, and Ecuador. Volume 41, Issue 4 summaries were written by Kimberly Barreto, Raymond Chavez, Shira Diamant, Kiana Farzad, John Flynn, Jennifer Harkins, Mildred, Lima Gonzalez, Brenna McGill, and Sebastian Richards, with the assistance of editors Annette Avedissian, Michelle Gonzalez, Shushan Khorozyan, and Edgar Navarrette, under the supervision of Chief IACHR Editor Erin Gonzalez and Professor Cesare Romano.

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