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Montero Aranguren et al. (Detention Center of Catia) v. Venezuela

On November 27, 1992, right after an attempt of a coup d’état in Venezuela, thirty-seven detainees at the Detention Center of Catia were extrajudicially executed, leading to a riot in the prison. The guards of the Detention Center, the troops of the 5th Regional Commander’s Office of National Guard, and the Metropolitan Police massively intervened exercising excessive force and shooting indiscriminately at the detainees. The Court found that the State violated the detainees' rights to life, humane treatment, and judicial protection and guarantees under the American Convention on Human Rights.

Case Summary: Montero Aranguren et al. (Detention Center of Catia) v. Venezuela, Case Summary

Update: El Amparo, Blanco Romero et al., Montero Aranguren et al., Barreto Leiva, and Usón Ramírez v. Venezuela, Case Addendum

Did the State Accept International Responsibility?
Did the State Raise Preliminary Objections?
Case Summary