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Quispialaya Vilcapoma v. Peru

In 2001, Mr. Valdemir Quisiplaya Vilcapoma, a soldier of the State army, was engaging in target practice when he was repeatedly beaten on the face and head with a rifle by one of his superiors for his lack of precision in shooting. This beating caused Mr. Quispialaya Vilcapoma to experience persistent headaches and fever, and caused him to lose vision in one of his eyes. The officer who beat him threatened further violence should he report the incident. When Mr. Vilcapoma finally reported the incident, he was unable to obtain redress in the military and civilian courts of the State. The Court found that the State violated the American Convention on Human Rights and the Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture.

Case Summary: Quispialaya Vilcapoma v. Peru, Case Summary

Did the State Accept International Responsibility?
Did the State Raise Preliminary Objections?
Case Summary