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Canales Huapaya et al. v. Peru

This case is connected to the Dismissed Congressional Employees (Aguado Alfaro et al.) v. Peru case. As in that case, this case is the result of the dismissal in 1992, by the government of Albert Fujimori of 1,110 employees of the State Congress. The dismissed employees were denied the opportunity to appeal the decisions administratively, and denied judicial recourse. The victims in this case were not party to the Dismissed Congressional Employees (Aguado Alfaro et al.) case before the Inter-American Court, and were unable to seek any recourse domestically, as they refused to drop their lawsuits against the State. Eventually, the Court found that the State violated the American Convention on Human Rights.

Case Summary: Canales Huapaya et al. v. Peru, Case Summary

Did the State Raise Preliminary Objections?
Case Summary